Home » Neil Fifer discusses early fanzines plus his efforts to save animals at rescue shelters

Neil Fifer discusses early fanzines plus his efforts to save animals at rescue shelters

Neil Fifer chats with True North Country Comics about early Canadian fanzines and his efforts to save animals at rescue shelters.

Here’s my chat with Neil Fifer about early Canadian fanzines plus his efforts to save animals at rescue shelters.

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Neil Fifer hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba and celebrated comic books early in his career. Although he has a literal multimedia career that includes acting in several movies, Neil was in on the ground floor of the western Canadian comic book scene. He knew Todd McFarlane before he made it to the big time. He even met with the Captain Canuck team when the comic book was in production and that included Richard Comely, George Freeman, Ron Leishman and Claude St. Aubin. Long before the introduction of the Internet, Neil was sharing information about the comic book world in a fanzine called ‘The Comic Cellar’. Issue number one featured an interview the legendary Bob Overstreet. Neil’s passion now is the preservation of animals especially cats at rescue shelters.

You can follow Neil ‘Ranger, Cat Dad!’ on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/felinefinetessaslegacy/

Please share and shop to support TNR and low-cost to free Spay and Neuter programs at www.TessasLegacyCafe.com for healthy, organic, award-winning beverages.
Visit: www.TessasLegacy.com (more stores to follow).


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True North Country Comics Podcast is Copyright True North Country Comics. Copyright 2024

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